Saturday 29 September 2012

My Life on Live 1

So. Next week I'm leaving to camp.
Oh, Joy! Oh happiness! *No, joking.*

Last year, we did random stuff. This year, I'm gonna tell it to you. Be prepared, you might be surprised.

Plus, camps are supposed to be in tents, right? Well, Yes. But as is happens, nobody likes tents, so we sleep in tiny cramped dormitories with not even enough space for a table. And three more people snore and fart during the night.

But somehow - and this is the good part - those camps still manage to be really fun.


Hi! This is the Official Ragdolls Maybe account. We're gonna be having, well, I'm gonna be having a new topic: My Life on Live.

Yeah, about all the weird stuff, funny stuff, stuff we complain about and more stuff. Like My Life on Live!

See it soon on Ragdolls Maybe. *wink wink*

King Matt the First

King Matt the First is a book by Janusz Korczak. Yes, I know. He has a weird name. But his original name was Henryk Goldszmit - and that already existed!

Well, about the book now. In the beginning, Matt was not a king. He was a simple child. His parents were the King and Queen. They both died. First the mother, then his father. He cried their death. He was now to be the king. He was then still very young. He thought being a king was fun, and not only work. 

*Well, children now still think that!*

He was controlled by the ministers into signing a war pact. King Matt made himself a friend before the war. Then, he escaped from the palace and fought with his country. Nobody knew until he came back and understood that being a king is not easy. 

He changed the way his country was, made friends with a cannibal king that gave him gold, and became very popular. Because of that, a new war started. This time, he lost. The other kings chose not to kill him, but to exile him on a desert island.

I was so sad that the book ended there! There's another book in the series, "King Matt on the Desert Island", but I can't get it. I can't find it.