Saturday 30 March 2013

Rain Man

Rain Man.

Note: I think this is like, the second post in a month, which is not a lot, but I promised to myself I'd write at least two posts a month, so - there it is.

This is one of the weirdest, yet best movies I've seen so far. It's about a young man whose father died, and he's surprised to have received only a car and a few rose bushes as an heritage, because his father is a multimillionaire, and the young man, Charlie, wants to find out to who the rest of the heritage went.

He then stumbles upon Raymond, who is his brother, but who is an autist. He lives at the Walbrooke Institute, a place where autists and other people with mental handicaps live. He then tells Raymond they're going for a drive and kidnaps him.

Meanwhile, while Charlie is at Walbrooke, Charlie's car company has to pay back a gigantic debt, and Charlie's girlfriend disapproves of him kidnapping his brother.

This is Raymond.
This is Charlie.
Raymond is having a crisis.
Charlie wants to take Raymond to Los Angeles by plane, except that because Raymond remembers everything, he is scared of the plane because at least once, every company had a plane crash. So Charlie is forced to bring Raymond to LA by road, and by tiny secondary roads, because Raymond is scared of the highway. They stop at a tiny hotel and, when Charlie turns the hot water on, Raymond breaks into a crisis. Charlie asks him why.

Raymond: Raymond burn Charlie!
Charlie: Raymond, calm down. I'm not burnt, see.
                                                                Raymond calms down.
Charlie: Why do you say I'm burnt?
Raymond: I burnt you when you were a baby with hot water.
Charlie: You lived with us? So you're who I called Rain Man and sung me songs so I wasn't scared?
Raymond: Yes.
                                 Charlie is surprised.

When they depart from the hotel, Charlie teaches Raymond to play blackjack and they go to las Vegas. Charlie buys Raymond a new costume, and tells him his old ones are POO. Raymond thinks this is a joke, but agrees.

They play blackjack and win 80'500 dollars. Charlie's girlfriend arrives and gets stuck in an elevator with Raymond. They kiss. She asks him: How was it?
Raymond answers: Wet.

They leave las Vegas and arrive to LA. There, there is a trial because Charlie kidnapped Raymond and Raymond has to go back to Woodbrooke. Charlie promises Raymond to come see him in 2 weeks.



This elevator scene is also in another movie, The Hangover. And in the Hangover Elevator Scene, the guy with a beard and the grey costume is also kind of an autist.


  1. Cool, I like it. I might watch it. Cuz I love new movies

    1. this is officially the first comment on this blog!!!
