Monday 1 April 2013

The 5 Awesome Joys of Snow + I know this is super late because it's summer now.

I wanted to post this in February. It's really late now. I'm posting it anyways so I don't forget to do it later. I should do a thing like that for summer.

Snow, snow, snow... There is sooooo much STUFF you can do with and in it! Okay, here's a list:

    Snow Angel
  • Snow angels. They are fun. It's like, you go out into the snow, and you're all clean and stuff, and then you suddenly jump into the snow and do a snow angel, then stand up and with some luck you might see a perfect on like the one on the picture. I never did one like that, and I don't know why. So... yeah. Snow angels are a classical activity for people bored in the snow.

    Snow Hill
  • Jumping off snow hills and playing King of the Hill on them. You see the snow hill on the picture? You see the guy on the hill? Do you wonder who that is? Well, me too. I've got no idea who that is. Well, about snow hills now. You can run and then jump off the hill - thrilling! In front of my house there is a two meter one, and I just jump, and it's so fun! But then, the bad thing is, when it's spring, when you slide after you land, you land in the mud. Playing King of the hill is fun, but on smaller hills. Then, you just push the other person, the climb up the hill, then fall again - awesome fun.
Snow House
  • Snow houses. Well, the snow house on the picture is the one that I built. Thereason there is two Swiss flags in front of it, is that... Well, I think you readers can guess it. It has to have a roof made of, like an old carpet to protect it from the snow, and it's really good when it's under a swing because it's easy to make. The two flags protect the cave under the house, in which you can hide and it's a good protection in snowball fights. And, making a snow house is fun, especially with friends, because you can play hide and seek, and also hide from your parents, and talk while building the cave.

  • Rolling down a Snowy Hill.

  • Ski

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