Tuesday 4 June 2013

Cloud Atlas + Sorry for not posting

Hi Readers! I am  sorry for not posting, and I just wanna say: Well... Here's a new Post.

Basically, it's all really complicated. It starts in 1849 with this person, Adam Ewing, crossing the ocean, and then, it fades into a story where a person writes a piano partition called Cloud Atlas. One of their Very good friends was Rufus Sixsmith, who is then murdered because he didn't like an atomic reactor and was about to reveal everything about it to Luisa Rey, a jounalist. Then, an old editor, Timothy Cavendish, reads a book called Luisa Rey's Detective story. It all fades in to Sonmi 451, a rebelling humanoid robot. Then it's Hawai, and Somni is the goddess of a middle ages type of world. So it's all interconnected very weirdly, and all the characters come up again and again, and the intrigue builds up, and then ta-dah! It's the end.

The movie is a must-watch. It follows the story quite well, and the transititons from one story to the other are very fluid. Some things change, but they don't matter much. The spirit of the book isn't lost, it's actually even more present. If you haven't read the book, you might be lost at first, but then you understand everything, and you're really surprised. And at the end, everything is clear. They all know everything.

And as they say: Everything is connected! The  movie is great but a bit long, but so is the book. You'll love it.

And here's a character map, which might help you or mess everything up in your mind even more.

PS: All the readers, thanks for getting me more than 2000 views. This is what keeps this blog going, and all other blogs too.


  1. Hi!
    i though cloud atlas sounded really boring and kinda stupid...
    but after reading this post by AveAlice, i think it sounds really interesting!
    Can't wait to see it!


    1. thx, its one of my favorite books and movies!
