Sunday 29 July 2012

Remember Me?

It's a book by Sophie Kinsella.
And it's really random. Basically, it's about this girl that goes to a bar, wants to catch a taxi, bangs her head and gets amnesia for three years, until she gets in an accident and starts remembering stuff again. It comes out she has a husband and, like, the whole stuff... plus an affair with a weird architect. Well, he says so. 

It's one of Sophie Kinsella's worst books 'cause it's really really random, at least it's not boring. Well, I actually liked it but it's not worth a lot of writing though.

Saturday 28 July 2012

That Book About Harvard

"That Book About Harvard" (By Eric Kester, if you're interested). It's a really stupidly funny book about *did you guess yet???* *a guy in Harvard? is he a nerd?*
Well, it is is a book about Harvard, and this guy is not a nerd, and by the book it actually seems he's kinda stupid. So he has to survive Harvard... and how he tells it is soooo fun!

I like that book because it doesn't talk about Harvard like we think it would - and that's why it's so cool.

And I think he should have called the book "This book about Harvard", though.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

I think this is the best movie I've ever seen. It's about love, it's funny and it's the best movie all at the same time.

There's a scout *is that the boy?* you say. Yes. And he loves the girl. But the girl's parents think he's someone she shouldn't know.  But they somehow manage to write letters to each other, and they decide to run away. So they run away together. Until they're discovered. But that won't stop their love. So they run away again. And don't you dare think this is a stupid movie!!! Well, you're allowed but not in the comments please.Then, they marry each other and try to commit suicide. But at the end, everything comes in place.

If you want to understand the poster, watch the movie please. It's really funny and nice.

I know I didn't write a lot, but that's just so you like the movie more when you watch it. But it's really excentric.

Hunger Games

The “Hunger Games” is a nice movie. It’s about a girl, called Katniss Everdeen (I’m not sure if you write it like that though) that comes from district twelve, and you’ll think *what’s that?* I’ll explain. Her sister gets chosen for the Hunger Games, which are basically violent games where everyone is killed except one person – the winner. And in every district (there are 12 of them), there is a boy and a girl chosen randomly to participate. But with Katniss, that won’t go because she doesn’t want to kill her friend from district 12. So they fake loving each other to survive – well, Katniss does but not him…

That's Katniss.

That story was taken from a book by Suzanne Collins and she wrote a trilogy out of it. The first book is good, the other two are boring – I think. I was too bored to read further than page ten of book two.

The movie was good. I liked how Katniss played her part – but she was a bit fatty and not beautiful. But she acted REALLY WELL.

So, it’s a good movie – as I said. But it’s quite violent so children under 10, stop here and don’t watch that movie. Ten-year olds and more, watch – except if you have a phobia of bees, dogs or blood. Otherwise, the movie had good special effects – and the music was OK.

So, I recommend this to you.

“ May the odds be ever in your favor…” Don’t worry, you’ll understand if you watch, if you were thinking *whaaaat?* just now.

Thursday 19 July 2012


"9" is a wonderful movie. With a number name. 9, because there is *nine principal characters, you think.* And you're right. I present them to you before the story because this movie is what pushed me to making this blog. So there they are (In the images above and under):
1, the leader. He's scared.
2, the inspired. He found 9.
3 and 4, the intelligent ones. They know what happened before because they read.
5, the one that the Beast wounded.
6, the artist. He was not scared and understood.
7, she's a girl. She's like a ninja and fights.
8, the protector. He protects the ones that live with number 1 *everyone except 7*
9, the new one. Who came to save them all.

Their story: An inventor imagined a mechanic brain, used by a dictator to attain bad things. The machine rebelled and started a human-machine war. The inventor gave his soul to the 'numbers', to save the world from the machines. The last one is 9, and he must save them all.

This is one of the best movies ever. I loved it. And I recommend it to you. You might think *this is an animation movie, that's for kids* - no. It's a poetic story between good and evil, but where everything is inbetween evilness and goodness.. And Timburtonesque. (He contributed: if you watched 'the Nightmare Before Christmas' by him, you'll see 8 is exactly like the big green guy that looks like a bag).

The Lorax

Well, this blog is about movies. The movies I watch. And the movies I watch are weird movies. So, as you guessed: this is a blog about weird movies.

The first movie I'm presenting is: The Lorax.
It was originally a book by Dr. Seuss, but this year, they made a movie of it. It's about a boy called Ted that loves a girl. They both live in a city called Thneedville. In the city, there is no real trees. But the girl wants a tree. Ted will get her one. This is a movie I didn't particularly like. But for you: It's a tale of love, and ecology. *Well, actually it's just a story about two stupid boys, trees and a girl. And a lot of singing.* But there's two funny characters: a big, fat and stupid bear, and a crazily nice granny.

That's the bear. He's really stupid and funny.
And that's the granny. She's like the granny most of the people want to have.

But I surely don't recommend the Lorax, except to small kids under... ummm... 7.

I didn't read the book, but I think it's better. But one thing to say, is, that: the animation is GREAT!