Saturday 21 July 2012

Hunger Games

The “Hunger Games” is a nice movie. It’s about a girl, called Katniss Everdeen (I’m not sure if you write it like that though) that comes from district twelve, and you’ll think *what’s that?* I’ll explain. Her sister gets chosen for the Hunger Games, which are basically violent games where everyone is killed except one person – the winner. And in every district (there are 12 of them), there is a boy and a girl chosen randomly to participate. But with Katniss, that won’t go because she doesn’t want to kill her friend from district 12. So they fake loving each other to survive – well, Katniss does but not him…

That's Katniss.

That story was taken from a book by Suzanne Collins and she wrote a trilogy out of it. The first book is good, the other two are boring – I think. I was too bored to read further than page ten of book two.

The movie was good. I liked how Katniss played her part – but she was a bit fatty and not beautiful. But she acted REALLY WELL.

So, it’s a good movie – as I said. But it’s quite violent so children under 10, stop here and don’t watch that movie. Ten-year olds and more, watch – except if you have a phobia of bees, dogs or blood. Otherwise, the movie had good special effects – and the music was OK.

So, I recommend this to you.

“ May the odds be ever in your favor…” Don’t worry, you’ll understand if you watch, if you were thinking *whaaaat?* just now.

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