Saturday 21 July 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

I think this is the best movie I've ever seen. It's about love, it's funny and it's the best movie all at the same time.

There's a scout *is that the boy?* you say. Yes. And he loves the girl. But the girl's parents think he's someone she shouldn't know.  But they somehow manage to write letters to each other, and they decide to run away. So they run away together. Until they're discovered. But that won't stop their love. So they run away again. And don't you dare think this is a stupid movie!!! Well, you're allowed but not in the comments please.Then, they marry each other and try to commit suicide. But at the end, everything comes in place.

If you want to understand the poster, watch the movie please. It's really funny and nice.

I know I didn't write a lot, but that's just so you like the movie more when you watch it. But it's really excentric.

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