Monday 11 February 2013

Life of Pi - The Movie

I already talked about Life of Pi before, if you remember. But that was the book. Nobody knew it, and suddenly it became very fashion, because there was a movie. I got to watch it twice. And I'm going to tell you what I think about it. If you want the story, there it is, but you can also check out the Life of Pi post. The story: - too lazy to copy and paste it.

Well, what I think about the movie is that it followed the story of the book pretty well. Except I think that Pi should have been a bit more skinny. For all of that, I think that the movie is super well done, with lots of special effects. To learn more, check the website out:

I really liked the movie and I think you should see it, because it's one of those rare movies that actually follow the story of the book and manage to add stuff in that makes the movie very interesting to watch even to those who have read the book and/or have seen the movie already.

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