Monday 11 February 2013

Premium Rush

Premium Rush

It's a movie about bike coursiers in New York. They exist in real life. And they deliver messages quickly. There's a bit of an article from“ The faster you go, the more money you make,” says Kevin Bolger, president of the New York Bike Messenger Foundation. “The money is there, but it’s up to you to chase it.”And with the internet taking business away from the courier companies, the riders are racing to bag what jobs they can.“There’s no way you are going to get something from Point A to Point B faster than a bike messenger can do it,” says Heather Muller, who took second place in the women’s division of the Cycle Messenger World Championships in Chicago this month.“We can move through traffic the fastest — but it does get dangerous.”Read more:
Now about the movie again. There's a bike coursier called Wyley, and he has to deliver a mysterious envelope to the Chinatown side of NY. But in this envelope is the key to lots of money, and a secret... Because the one that asked him to deliver the envelope needs to make her son pass to the USA from China...Wyley gets pursued by a maniac police officer. But in the end, he does manage to deliver the envelope and the son gets delivered to the USA.

I know this is pretty short, but there's not much of a story in that movie, and most of the scenes are just on top of bikes, doing crazy races. And some fights. So... Action lovers, you should watch this.

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