Thursday 14 February 2013

Welcome Posts

Just for you to know, this is going to be a post about posts, so it's kind of weird. That's it. You've been warned.

You know how blogs tend to write their first post going: Welcome, people blah blah blah...
Well, I kinda forgot to do that. And I realize that it's also kinda late to write one because I have nearly 2000 view already - today 1957 and counting - so I figured out I'd rather write a post about welcome posts instead of writing one for my blog. But if you'd like to read a welcome post for THIS blog, here it is:

Welcome to THE new cool blog: Ragdolls?Maybe. I've got no idea, or only a tiny one of why I chose that title, but let's not think much of that: listen to what's going to be on this blog: book and movie critics, and that's not all: also stuff about my life on live, which is stuff about my life and random things like ideas, messed up plush toys and more stuff like that!

Well, that was random. It should have been the welcome post to this blog, but it wasn't. Let's just say it's a post about this blog or a post celebrating the upcoming 2000 views of this blog. Well, enough of this. The subject: welcome posts. I've read lots of those, and they're not all good. Some of them think too much about the image of the blog, some of them not enough... But the one thing I know and it's awesome and cool about all of them, it's that they're all original in some way or the other.

Well, if you, the reader, ever start a blog, keep this in mind: don't forget to write a welcome post for your blog or might end up writing in the 22nd or anything post!

I know this is super random, but I just felt like writing that and I think that this blog will keep on being written on, and at least I won't have to write a welcome post when I have like A LOT of views.

Yeah. That's it. And I also hope I'll keep on getting lots of views and stuff. But I'd like to get a comment.


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