Friday 20 December 2013


so i'm kinda stopping this blog for a while just got on its my new blog the password is awkward so yeah. 

Wednesday 17 July 2013

The Best Offer

This is a movie about art and love. Virgil Oldman is an art collector and an art auctioneer. He has a secret room in which he keeps portraits of women - an obsession of his. He was never married, can't bear to be touched and always wears gloves. On his birthday, it is a tradition that he takes the first call. The first caller is a young woman. She asks him to evaluate her collection. When he comes to her house, he finds out she has never gone out of a secret room in the villa. He talks to her through the wall.  He wonders why, and discovers she has agoraphobia. One evening, he hides in the room to see her and falls in love with her. When she discovers that he has been hiding, she starts fearing him less. In the meanwhile, he found pieces of clockwork and asks his friend for love advice, and fixing the clockwork. That's what the friend does. The woman, Claire, seems to fall in love with Oldman too. One evening, when he comes to visit her, he is beaten up by a group of boys. She runs to rescue him - and suddenly her agoraphobia is cured. She comes to live with him, and he shows her the secret room. When he leaves for an auction in another country, she steals all of his paintings from the secret room. When he finds out, he goes on a search for her, and finally ends up in the bar across the street from her villa. There, he sees a very small woman, who tells him that her name is Claire, that she owns the house and that she rents it to "the cinema people". He realizes that the Claire that he loved didn't actually love him. He becomes solitary and dies old, heartbroken and alone.

You have to see this movie, because even though there are not many action scenes, you feel as though you are involved in the story, and you can feel all of the feelings that the characters feel, which makes this movie amazing.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Of Mice and Men

I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long! Well, I've read around 5 books since I went on vacation, so I have lots of things to post about!

Well, this post kind of has a story behind it.

On a lazy summer afternoon, I picked up a book that my friends had often spoken about and which has been lying in my bookshelf for over a year. As I had nothing else to read, I decided to take it with me on vacation. It was Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. 

Lennie and George have been walking around the country, finding a job on a ranch. They want to buy a piece of land. Lennie wants to buy rabbits, pet them and feed them alfalfa. When they arrive on the ranch, the trouble starts for Lennie. The owner's son, Curley, is small. He doesn't like big people. Lennie is big, tall, and very simple-minded. When Curley hits him, he doesn't know what to do and crushes his hand. In the meantime, George helps Slim, and important guy on the ranch, and Slim gets puppies. Slim lets Lennie pet a puppy, and kills him. He didn't want to. That's when Curley's wife barges in, and sees that Lennie killed the puppy. He doesn't know how to explain it to her. George got friends with Candy, and older person. Candy wants to go with them at the end of the month, go buy a piece of land. Candy has an old dog. The other people that live on the ranch kill it with a bullet in the back of the neck. Candy is very sad. Lennie tries to stop Curley's wife from yelling, and shakes her so she stops yelling. He kills her, but he doesn't mean to. Lennie runs away, and George finds him. He thinks that the best thing to do is to shoot Lennie in the back of the neck, just like a dog. He doesn't feel anything.

This is a book everyone should read, because it's going to make you feel differently about all those people that you think simple, because they're not.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Closing down Roogle.

I'm closing Roogle down, because it's not that good. Even I don't use it. Use google instead.

Hotel Transylvania

Hotel Transylvania is an animation movie. The story is quite simple.

Dracula is a vampire. But not as you know him. He owns a hotel for monsters. Every year, he invites the most famous monsters for his daughter Mavis' birthday. But when a human stumbles upon the hotel, everything falls apart.  Dracula doesn't know what to do with him, so he camouflages Johnny the human into a cousin of Frankenstein. Mavis falls in love with him, not knowing he is human. He falls in love with her, but is scared to stay and soon leaves. In the meantime, Dracula has grown fond of him and brings him back to the hotel. Mavis and Johnny declare their love and - well, that's the end.

There's lots of funny scenes inside, and the animation is really good. You should watch this, because it really makes you laugh.

Here's the trailer:

Monday 17 June 2013


Everyone knows Google. But do you know Roogle? The new tab is our Custom SEARCH ENGINE! It searches only this blog, but that's enough for now. Feel free to use it! It's even better than Google, because it's ours! (Well, maybe not. Too bad.)


Friday 7 June 2013

What? 2 Random things from Yahoo!

I wanted to write 5, but didn't have time. This is so random, but I think it might be interesting. Or just for the people who really have nothing to do. Like, really.

From Yahoo!.

1. A dog in the Yearbook - Yahoo! Shine

 One very furry high school graduate was honored this week with a yearbook photo of his own. 
Prince “the therapy dog,” bred by Lutheran Church Charities is a 9-year-old golden retriever who works in the guidance office at Portage High School in Illinois. He's retiring and as a parting gift, he had a professional photo taken and published alongside the class of 2013.

"We've never done anything like this but it was a nice way to say goodbye to Prince," Melissa Deavers-Lowie, Portage High School's yearbook adviser, told Yahoo! Shine. "Parents and students thought it was so cute and funny. And on Sunday, he'll lead the graduating class of 2013 onto the football field for the ceremony." Naturally, he'll be dressed for the part, wearing a custom-made red cap and gown.

“Prince comes to school and works with me in therapy groups,”
Tim Kunstek, Portage High School’s guidance counselor and Prince’s handler, told Yahoo! Shine. "It’s pretty phenomenal how much the kids love him.”

Prince, who lives with Kunstek and his family in Portage, Illinois, has worked a 9-5 gig for the past 4.5 years. Every day, he rides to school with Kunstek and spends his morning greeting students as they arrive at school. He also sits in on counseling sessions with Kunstek and his students, and patrols the hallways, making sure kids are going to class. During lunch, he hangs out in the cafeteria. “Kids would sit on the floor and feed him Tater Tots and other treats, but he started gaining weight, so we’ve scaled back on that,” said Kunstek. And Prince travels for work: In the wake of the tragic shootings in December at Sandy Hook Elementary School, he was on hand to make the sure the children had a smoother transition back to school. “The kids at Sandy Hook loved him and all the other therapy dogs so much that Lutheran Church Charities is now trying to raise money for therapy dogs at Sandy Hook,” said Kunstek.

At the end of a long day, Prince heads home with Kunstek for dinner. Upon his retirement, he’ll remain with Kunstek and work part-time, possibly with kids. And he won't be forgotten: His Facebook page boasts more than 1,500 likes and he keeps his friends updated with photos of his life at school and at home.

Portage High School won’t be without a therapy dog for long. Isaiah, a 1-year-old golden retriever, is in training to be Prince’s replacement. “There’s something really calming about golden retrievers; they have a big effect on people,” said Kunstek. 
Prince “the therapy dog,” bred by Lutheran Church Charities is a 9-year-old golden retriever who works in the guidance office at Portage High School in Illinois. He's retiring and as a parting gift, he had a professional photo taken and published alongside the class of 2013.

"We've never done anything like this but it was a nice way to say goodbye to Prince," Melissa Deavers-Lowie, Portage High School's yearbook adviser, told Yahoo! Shine. "Parents and students thought it was so cute and funny. And on Sunday, he'll lead the graduating class of 2013 onto the football field for the ceremony." Naturally, he'll be dressed for the part, wearing a custom-made red cap and gown.

“Prince comes to school and works with me in therapy groups,”
Tim Kunstek, Portage High School’s guidance counselor and Prince’s handler, told Yahoo! Shine. "It’s pretty phenomenal how much the kids love him.”

2. Weird facts about Lefties - Yahoo! Health

Left-handed people represent only 10% of the population, and it isn’t just their writing hand that sets them apart: lefties tend to be right-brain dominant, a trait that might make them more prone to fear, according to a study in the Journal of Traumatic Stress.
The study required participants to view a clip from a horror film and then recount details. Lefties were more likely to give disjointed, repetitive versions—a symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
"The prevalence of [PTSD] is almost double in left handers compared to right handers,” notes Carolyn Choudhary, Ph.D., the psychologist who led the study, in an interview with The Telegraph. She adds that the right side of the brain may be more involved in the role that fear plays in PTSD.
But the same brain tendencies that might put left-handed people at risk for PTSD and other mental health challenges may also be linked to greater creativity and cognitive skills. Here’s a closer look at some more surprising facts about lefties.
The vast majority of people—especially right-handed people—have highly lateralized brains, meaning their brains strictly divide up tasks, with the left side being more active in language production and the right side controlling visuo-spatial abilities. But lefties are less likely to have such a strict division, which may put them at risk for mental health challenges like schizophrenia and ADHD.
According to a review article published by the German Medical Association (GMA), about 40% of left-hand users don’t process language exclusively on the left side of the brain. Lefties are also more likely to have a larger bridge of nerve fibers connecting the two sides, giving them greater “interhemispheric connectivity.” Researchers describe these differences as “atypical brain asymmetry”—and they may spell trouble.
Both left-handedness and atypical brain asymmetry are associated with schizophrenia, a link that was confirmed in a review of over 40 research studies. Another research paper, published in Molecular Psychiatry, found that people with a particular variant of the gene LRRTM1 are more likely to be left-handed and slightly more likely to develop schizophrenia. Fortunately, schizophrenia is rare—most lefties never develop it.
Links have also been found between left-handedness, atypical brain asymmetry, and ADHD. In a study conducted among Swedish children, left-handed kids were more likely to have ADHD symptoms, and ambidextrous subjects were at even greater risk. The researchers cautioned that not all lefties have atypical brain asymmetry, nor do all left-handed children experience mental health challenges.
12 Signs of Adult ADHD
The potential risks associated with left-handedness don’t end with mental health challenges—lefties may also have a greater risk of developing pre-menopausal breast cancer. A study published in BMJ found that left-handed women were more than twice as likely to develop pre-menopausal breast cancer than right-handed women.
The researchers suspect that exposure to sex hormones may influence the development of brain asymmetry and left-handedness, as well as the risk of breast cancer. Only 165 left-handed women participated in the study, so more research is needed to confirm the results.
In a world designed for right-handed people, it’s not surprising that lefties may be more accident-prone. A study on locomotive drivers in India found that 88.9% of left-handed drivers had experienced a locomotive accident, compared to only 16.1% of right-handed drivers. The design of the locomotive cabin and driving console may favor right-handed people, contributing to higher rates of accidents among lefties.
Left-handedness has its advantages, too! The same atypical brain tendencies associated with mental health challenges may also contribute to greater creativityand cognitive skills among some left-handed people.
For example, a study of professional orchestras uncovered a disproportionate number of left-handed musicians.
The GMA review article also notes that lefties are reportedly more likely to excel at music, as well as math and language fluency. Lefties are also reportedly more likely to score over 131 on IQ tests.
Some lefties also have an upper hand in sports! The GMA review article found higher rates of left-handedness among top-level athletes, especially in one-on-one sports such as tennis, boxing, and fencing.
Compared to their right-handed competitors, lefties tend to have greater ambidexterity (the ability to use both hands well). They also have more opportunities to train against right-handed competitors than right-handed athletes have to train against left-handed competitors, lending them tactical advantages in competition.
Famous Athletes Who Battled Diseases
Lefties have been outnumbered since prehistoric times, according to a recent studyof fossilized human remains found near Burgos, Spain. David Frayer, Ph.D., professor of anthropology at the University of Kansas and lead author of the study, determined that over 90% of people living in the area more than 500,000 years ago were right-handed.
Another recent study, from Northwestern University, explored why a small percentage of people have been left-handed throughout history. Cooperation, the researchers argue, favors people using the same hand, which makes tool-sharing more efficient. Instances of physical competition, however, favor unusual characteristics, giving lefties an advantage in sport and combat.
To test their theory, the researchers used sports data to develop a mathematical model that can correctly predict the percentage of lefties in a group—from baseball players to golfers to boxers. For example, the model accurately determined that over 50 percent of elite hitters in baseball are left-handed, while only 4 percent of successful PGA golfers favor their left hand.
The researchers also note that left-handedness can be partly attributed to genetics and partly to environment.  Identical twins, for example, may favor different hands, even though they share the same genetic makeup.
The bottom line is this: as long as human societies have both competitive and cooperative aspects, lefties are here to stay.

Thursday 6 June 2013

A bonus for Cloud Atlas and something about Doctor Who

Update: The Cloud atlas bonus is not working anymore. :-(

Doctor Who. Everyone, well nearly knows that. I used to think it's stupid, but now I'm a fan. Just try it and see! Those Angels are really, really creepy, too. And some of the special effects are not that good. But I, and lots of people all over the world, love it.


Finally summer!  A time for shorts, beaches ice creams and panama hats. That's what summer is all about. Summer vacations, traveling everywhere. Your friends only on Skype and e-mail. Ice cream again. Swimsuits and dresses. It's finally sunny, and summer is there. In June only.

Celebrating this with a new cursor for the blog! It's a green frappuccino. Yes, that too is part of summer. The blog has a new header - again. And now I have more time to post. The exams are already in the past. Summer is exactly what we all need! Hopefully. Well, winter is awesome too because at least you don't get hay fever. That's not awesome. And it comes with summer too. And bees.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

This is the only blog that tells you the end.

This is the only blog that tells you the end. They always tell you to build up the suspense. To leave them waiting for the end. For all the lazy person in us that doesn't want to read the book or  see the movie. I tell you the end. And you know it. You're just a click away from that story you never read or that movie you never saw.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


BTW, a makeover of the blog is on its way. Slowly, but it will come.

Cloud Atlas + Sorry for not posting

Hi Readers! I am  sorry for not posting, and I just wanna say: Well... Here's a new Post.

Basically, it's all really complicated. It starts in 1849 with this person, Adam Ewing, crossing the ocean, and then, it fades into a story where a person writes a piano partition called Cloud Atlas. One of their Very good friends was Rufus Sixsmith, who is then murdered because he didn't like an atomic reactor and was about to reveal everything about it to Luisa Rey, a jounalist. Then, an old editor, Timothy Cavendish, reads a book called Luisa Rey's Detective story. It all fades in to Sonmi 451, a rebelling humanoid robot. Then it's Hawai, and Somni is the goddess of a middle ages type of world. So it's all interconnected very weirdly, and all the characters come up again and again, and the intrigue builds up, and then ta-dah! It's the end.

The movie is a must-watch. It follows the story quite well, and the transititons from one story to the other are very fluid. Some things change, but they don't matter much. The spirit of the book isn't lost, it's actually even more present. If you haven't read the book, you might be lost at first, but then you understand everything, and you're really surprised. And at the end, everything is clear. They all know everything.

And as they say: Everything is connected! The  movie is great but a bit long, but so is the book. You'll love it.

And here's a character map, which might help you or mess everything up in your mind even more.

PS: All the readers, thanks for getting me more than 2000 views. This is what keeps this blog going, and all other blogs too.

Monday 1 April 2013

The 5 Awesome Joys of Snow + I know this is super late because it's summer now.

I wanted to post this in February. It's really late now. I'm posting it anyways so I don't forget to do it later. I should do a thing like that for summer.

Snow, snow, snow... There is sooooo much STUFF you can do with and in it! Okay, here's a list:

    Snow Angel
  • Snow angels. They are fun. It's like, you go out into the snow, and you're all clean and stuff, and then you suddenly jump into the snow and do a snow angel, then stand up and with some luck you might see a perfect on like the one on the picture. I never did one like that, and I don't know why. So... yeah. Snow angels are a classical activity for people bored in the snow.

    Snow Hill
  • Jumping off snow hills and playing King of the Hill on them. You see the snow hill on the picture? You see the guy on the hill? Do you wonder who that is? Well, me too. I've got no idea who that is. Well, about snow hills now. You can run and then jump off the hill - thrilling! In front of my house there is a two meter one, and I just jump, and it's so fun! But then, the bad thing is, when it's spring, when you slide after you land, you land in the mud. Playing King of the hill is fun, but on smaller hills. Then, you just push the other person, the climb up the hill, then fall again - awesome fun.
Snow House
  • Snow houses. Well, the snow house on the picture is the one that I built. Thereason there is two Swiss flags in front of it, is that... Well, I think you readers can guess it. It has to have a roof made of, like an old carpet to protect it from the snow, and it's really good when it's under a swing because it's easy to make. The two flags protect the cave under the house, in which you can hide and it's a good protection in snowball fights. And, making a snow house is fun, especially with friends, because you can play hide and seek, and also hide from your parents, and talk while building the cave.

  • Rolling down a Snowy Hill.

  • Ski

Saturday 30 March 2013

Rain Man

Rain Man.

Note: I think this is like, the second post in a month, which is not a lot, but I promised to myself I'd write at least two posts a month, so - there it is.

This is one of the weirdest, yet best movies I've seen so far. It's about a young man whose father died, and he's surprised to have received only a car and a few rose bushes as an heritage, because his father is a multimillionaire, and the young man, Charlie, wants to find out to who the rest of the heritage went.

He then stumbles upon Raymond, who is his brother, but who is an autist. He lives at the Walbrooke Institute, a place where autists and other people with mental handicaps live. He then tells Raymond they're going for a drive and kidnaps him.

Meanwhile, while Charlie is at Walbrooke, Charlie's car company has to pay back a gigantic debt, and Charlie's girlfriend disapproves of him kidnapping his brother.

This is Raymond.
This is Charlie.
Raymond is having a crisis.
Charlie wants to take Raymond to Los Angeles by plane, except that because Raymond remembers everything, he is scared of the plane because at least once, every company had a plane crash. So Charlie is forced to bring Raymond to LA by road, and by tiny secondary roads, because Raymond is scared of the highway. They stop at a tiny hotel and, when Charlie turns the hot water on, Raymond breaks into a crisis. Charlie asks him why.

Raymond: Raymond burn Charlie!
Charlie: Raymond, calm down. I'm not burnt, see.
                                                                Raymond calms down.
Charlie: Why do you say I'm burnt?
Raymond: I burnt you when you were a baby with hot water.
Charlie: You lived with us? So you're who I called Rain Man and sung me songs so I wasn't scared?
Raymond: Yes.
                                 Charlie is surprised.

When they depart from the hotel, Charlie teaches Raymond to play blackjack and they go to las Vegas. Charlie buys Raymond a new costume, and tells him his old ones are POO. Raymond thinks this is a joke, but agrees.

They play blackjack and win 80'500 dollars. Charlie's girlfriend arrives and gets stuck in an elevator with Raymond. They kiss. She asks him: How was it?
Raymond answers: Wet.

They leave las Vegas and arrive to LA. There, there is a trial because Charlie kidnapped Raymond and Raymond has to go back to Woodbrooke. Charlie promises Raymond to come see him in 2 weeks.



This elevator scene is also in another movie, The Hangover. And in the Hangover Elevator Scene, the guy with a beard and the grey costume is also kind of an autist.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Saturday 16 February 2013

Fahrenheit 451

... For Guy Montag, a firefighter. But not the normal kind of firefighter. In the future Ray Bradbury imagines, firefighters don't save houses from fires anymore, they burn them if anyone in them has books. Guy is one of them. He hates book, lives with a wife he thinks he loves. But his life just flips over when he meets Clarisse, a strange girl that still walks home and looks at the tiny things in life, like the taste of rain when you look up and open your mouth or other people. She's seventeen, and is soon run over by a car. But Guy remembers her for ever. He realizes his wife is actually like a stranger to him and starts to hate her.

He continues to burn books. But one day, when a woman burns herself with her books, he manages to steal one. He reads it and doesn't want to burn them anymore. His wife reads it too. We learn the books is not the first one Guy stole. His wife reports to the firefighters that he has a book. Guy has to burn his own house. Guy kills his boss with the flamethrower he used to burn his own house down and also kills a first mechanical dog that is supposed to kill him with poison. Another 'dog' is sent after him to kill him. The war of his country with another begins.

Guy runs away from the mechanical dog that has to kill him and finds people walking along the railway line, that also love books and remember them. Bombs are dropped on Guy's city and his wife is killed. He's not sad and the war is over.

The book ends with Guy thinking that maybe after the war, books would be okay again...

I just loved this book and hope the world will never be like that - and if it will, I'd have been killed straight away because I love books so much. And you?

I keep on thinking about this book and I think it'll just keep on thinking about it until I read a book that makes me think about the future and books just as much as this book. :-(

I also think that what happens in this book could happen, and easily! Would you like a future like that? I guess not. At 451 degrees Fahrenheit, paper burns...

In that future, all the books have been banned. Some have already been banned now, and I know there are good reasons for it, but still... Here is the link for the list of banned books (not by the whole world, but by some governments; plus, I can't know if it's true because it's Wikipedia) :
and also, just as an ironic fact, at some point in history, the books Fahrenheit 451 was banned.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Welcome Posts

Just for you to know, this is going to be a post about posts, so it's kind of weird. That's it. You've been warned.

You know how blogs tend to write their first post going: Welcome, people blah blah blah...
Well, I kinda forgot to do that. And I realize that it's also kinda late to write one because I have nearly 2000 view already - today 1957 and counting - so I figured out I'd rather write a post about welcome posts instead of writing one for my blog. But if you'd like to read a welcome post for THIS blog, here it is:

Welcome to THE new cool blog: Ragdolls?Maybe. I've got no idea, or only a tiny one of why I chose that title, but let's not think much of that: listen to what's going to be on this blog: book and movie critics, and that's not all: also stuff about my life on live, which is stuff about my life and random things like ideas, messed up plush toys and more stuff like that!

Well, that was random. It should have been the welcome post to this blog, but it wasn't. Let's just say it's a post about this blog or a post celebrating the upcoming 2000 views of this blog. Well, enough of this. The subject: welcome posts. I've read lots of those, and they're not all good. Some of them think too much about the image of the blog, some of them not enough... But the one thing I know and it's awesome and cool about all of them, it's that they're all original in some way or the other.

Well, if you, the reader, ever start a blog, keep this in mind: don't forget to write a welcome post for your blog or might end up writing in the 22nd or anything post!

I know this is super random, but I just felt like writing that and I think that this blog will keep on being written on, and at least I won't have to write a welcome post when I have like A LOT of views.

Yeah. That's it. And I also hope I'll keep on getting lots of views and stuff. But I'd like to get a comment.


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Firmin - or the Adventures of a Metropolitan lowlife.

Firmin: Is he a human? A rat? Well, if you guessed so by looking at the picture you're right. Firmin is a rat.

But not an ordinary one. He is a Reading Rat. Let me tell you his story, which is also the story of the book. Firmin is the 13th out of 13 siblings, and the weakest because he gets no milk. The only way he can survive is by eating the litter on which they have to pee and poo. But this is no normal litter - it's made of books! Firmin, eating books to survive, ends ups learning how to read. He lives in a library.

His siblings go away when their mum dies, and Firmin is left alone. He then sees the owner of the bookstore, Norman and Firmin kind of falls in love with him. But when Norman sees Firmin for the first time, Firmin's happy days at the store are over. Norman tries to poison Firmin and Firmin realizes at last humans hate rats.

So he runs away from the shop, luckily, to be taken as a pet by a nice author called Jerry that loves him but doesn't understand Firmin can read. So Firmin reads the newspapers with Jerry and reads that the square where they live, and the bookstore is, is going to be destroyed. A theater on the same square burns down. Firmin lives on, being loved by Jerry. He goes to the Rialto cinema and falls in love with a human actress.

One day, when Jerry isn't at home, Firmin dies, thinking he is being hugged by the actress. It's pretty sad for a book. But I really loved it, even though it's not the normal kind of book. It's actually super weird, but when you start reading it, you kind of get pulled in and you can't come out until you're finished reading. So, I actually do advise you to read it, because it might become one of your favorites. Especially if you're someone that loves reading. Like Firmin... Except you're human. Or are you?

I wonder if any rats like Firmin are reading this... No, joking. I don't really think rats can read. Well, you never know.

Monday 11 February 2013

Premium Rush

Premium Rush

It's a movie about bike coursiers in New York. They exist in real life. And they deliver messages quickly. There's a bit of an article from“ The faster you go, the more money you make,” says Kevin Bolger, president of the New York Bike Messenger Foundation. “The money is there, but it’s up to you to chase it.”And with the internet taking business away from the courier companies, the riders are racing to bag what jobs they can.“There’s no way you are going to get something from Point A to Point B faster than a bike messenger can do it,” says Heather Muller, who took second place in the women’s division of the Cycle Messenger World Championships in Chicago this month.“We can move through traffic the fastest — but it does get dangerous.”Read more:
Now about the movie again. There's a bike coursier called Wyley, and he has to deliver a mysterious envelope to the Chinatown side of NY. But in this envelope is the key to lots of money, and a secret... Because the one that asked him to deliver the envelope needs to make her son pass to the USA from China...Wyley gets pursued by a maniac police officer. But in the end, he does manage to deliver the envelope and the son gets delivered to the USA.

I know this is pretty short, but there's not much of a story in that movie, and most of the scenes are just on top of bikes, doing crazy races. And some fights. So... Action lovers, you should watch this.

Life of Pi - The Movie

I already talked about Life of Pi before, if you remember. But that was the book. Nobody knew it, and suddenly it became very fashion, because there was a movie. I got to watch it twice. And I'm going to tell you what I think about it. If you want the story, there it is, but you can also check out the Life of Pi post. The story: - too lazy to copy and paste it.

Well, what I think about the movie is that it followed the story of the book pretty well. Except I think that Pi should have been a bit more skinny. For all of that, I think that the movie is super well done, with lots of special effects. To learn more, check the website out:

I really liked the movie and I think you should see it, because it's one of those rare movies that actually follow the story of the book and manage to add stuff in that makes the movie very interesting to watch even to those who have read the book and/or have seen the movie already.

Monday 4 February 2013


I'm kind of surprised of myself. This is the 3rd post in a day! But when I saw this movie I just had to write a post about it! Basically, if you're scared of zombies you wouldn't be scared of that because it's super funny!

This is Norman.
The movie is about a boy, Norman, who is paranormal. Why? Well, because he can see dead people. He's walking on the street or at his house, and he talks with his dead grandma or a dead person!

His parents don't want to believe him and everyone hates him. But when zombies attack the city, he is the only one to be courageous enough to confront them - and then to become friends with them!

This is now one of my favorite movies!

Check this link out to know more about Paranorman!

There's also loads of funny and weird scenes like this for example:

No, you're not dreaming. Norman is on a toilet, in a forest, surrounded by zombie toilet paper.

So, are you watching the movie?

I'd like to have Norman's power to talk with dead people! It's super cool.

Norman trying to brush his hair

Norman's sister

Norman Brushing his teeth

A zombie on the windshield

Messed up Plushies

 Were you ever shopping and then you just happen to see the most messed up plushie ever? Well, that happens to me all the time and I'm going to present you a selection of the most horrible ones ever. 

1st Place: A knitted, messed-up Spongebob. Look at his nose! And his teeth! Plus, his feet are completely disproportioned compared to his body. Does he look a tiny bit like the original Spongebob? 

2nd Place: This Red Horse with huge yellow eyebrows and a blue and green rope.  First, does a horse have red skin or eyebrows. If someone has kids and buys them this, they're traumatized for life! It's just horrible! Plus, it has super short legs. 

3rd Place: this Rabbit. Teeth in a rabbit don't go up. His eyes look in different ways. His mustaches are all over his face and if you look at the plush in whole, his body is as not well done as his head. Ugly!

Le Marginal

Finally I have time to write a post! That's cause I'm sick.
Yesterday I stayed up really late watching this old french movie, it's called Le Marginal.

Basically, it's about this police officer who wants to kill a mafiosi that's involved in various drug problems and other illegal things. If you want to know, the mafiosi is called Mecachi and that's him. Belmondo, the police officer, gets into lots of trouble when he drops drugs off a boat into the sea so nobody can get hold of them. Mecachi wants to kill Belmondo. Mecachi's workers two twin-looking brother try to kill Belmondo in his car - but it's bulletproof. So he kills them ! In the end, Belmondo takes another person's gun and kills Mecachi while he is playing billiard. The other police officers ask Belmondo if he knows who killed Mecachi and he says: 'No.' Even though it's him. There's also loads of funny moments and fights. It's a super cool movie!